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2023 year review

December 31, 2023

In 2023, my journey in open source took a significant leap and I made some great progress.



In 2023 I released my first open-source project jotai-tutorial I started working on this project when I saw a tweet by dai-shi that he was looking for maintainers for jotai docs. Finally following a discussion the project took shape and the tutorial website went live on Jan 25.

In late Feb I started learning svelte just for fun and came to know that there is an official sevlte hackathon going on from Feb to April. So I thought of building two projects sveltronics and retro-kit. Sveltronics got 80 stars on github and I never expected that, this motivates me more to contribute to open-source.

In march, I started learning Vue and Qwik and ended up making a small project qwik-table.

In April I applied for github octernship and got rejected, this is my project for the challenge.

I continued to learn svelte and vue in June and started contributing to flowbite-svelte and flowbite-vue.

In July I learned a lot about module bundlers mostly about webpack and vite. Raised a PR of rewriting the waku-cli and the conversation about this went to over more than 100 comments. I’m very grateful to dai-shi his patience of guiding me throughout the month is beyond my expectations and this is the beauty of open-source.

Start learning Rust in August (read the rust book). I came across a rust project named Biome. Knowing the story of ematipico(project lead maintainer) and the efforts he puts into the project left a profound impact on me. Motivated by his story, I decided to contribute to the project. Finally, on 25 Sep I raised my first PR in the project that focused on enhancing diagnostic messages for a lint rule. Grateful for the guidance of ematipico and Conaclos, for reviewing my PRs. Finding myself contributing to a substantial project within just one or two months after diving into Rust is a journey beyond my initial imagination.

Goals for 2024